Slí Cholmcille Pilgrimage / Walk – Day 6

The Route For Day 6

Day 6 Theme

Starting afresh

On the Slí, every day is a new beginning, a fresh start. Coming towards the end is really just a new beginning. A central part of walking and reflecting on your life is to get hew hope and perspective. Normally there are things that you can do that allow you to live more in the light. Sometimes you have to make decisions and take action to achieve this. Sometimes you have some clarity about a decision, or there is a need to begin over looking at options and trying different alternatives. This latter is not a failure but rather a normal part of human decision making though the slow process of getting clarity and the identifying of traps or snares which catch me. The key is committing yourself to the walking, reflecting and noticing process that is an essential part of the Slí. The answers and solutions will emerge!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Cor. 5:17

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rm. 8:28

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Rm 8:26

Today’s Highlights

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Slí Cholmcille
21 hours ago

A snapshot of some beautiful scenery on Day 6 of Slí Cholmcille which saw pilgrims trek 14kms from Gartan Outdoor Activity Centre to Glenveigh via Ráth Cnó, Leac na Cumha and Lough Inshagh. #slicholmcille

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Slí Cholmcille
21 hours ago

On the Slí, the key is committing yourself to the walking, reflecting and noticing process that is an essential part of the journey. The answers and solutions will emerge.
#SliCholmcille #donegal #stcolmcille #naomhcolumba

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Slí Cholmcille
21 hours ago

Slí Cholmcille Day 6: Starting Afresh
On the Slí, every day is a new beginning, a fresh start. Coming towards the end is really just a new beginning. A central part of walking and reflecting on your life is to get new hope and perspective.
#SliCholmcille #donegal #stcolmcille

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Find out about today’s walk here:

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