Slí Cholmcille Pilgrimage / Walk – Day 4

The Route For Day 4

Day 4 Theme

Hitting the wall (desolation)

“Into each life a little rain must fall (Longfellow)”. On the road there is always going to be rainy or tough days. There is no road without a low point, a switchback or a mountain. Colmcille would have known this on his many journeys, especially in Donegal! It is not so much the pain of getting wet, rather it is getting downhearted and losing hope that is the problem. Giving up on our dreams, accepting our fate, registering defeat, believing that we can’t go on; these are all experiences of life that affect us all.?
What difficulties, setbacks or personal pain are you struggling with on your journey; what are the hardships in your life? What makes you want to give up? Where is the darkness in your life? For what do you need to be forgiven?

What would be the one thing on your Slí that you would ask to be healed; what is your greatest desire, the deepest need you have inside yourself? Try to formulate this as a prayer, a petition to the divine, in your own words. Make it real.

1. Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive to the sound of my pleadings.
If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?
But with you is found forgiveness, that you may be revered.
I long for you, O LORD, my soul longs for his word.
My soul hopes in the Lord more than watchmen for daybreak.
More than watchmen for daybreak, let Israel hope for the LORD.
For with the LORD there is mercy, in him is plentiful redemption.
It is he who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

2. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). Mt 27:46

Today’s Highlights

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